Friday, February 29, 2008
Walgreens deals
Albertson Deal of the week
There probably is other things to highlight for the week but I thought I would post this.
This week Albertson's has a deal where you buy General Mills products. (different items, cereal, granola bars, fruit snacks) for 4/$8 then at the register it automatically will deduct $4 making it $1 a box. Plus add coupons to this deal and you can get really....... good deals. I bought these four boxes for $ .28 after $1 off peelies off each items.
Just a idea which is included in this deal. Things like cheerios, lucky charms ect. Curves, Nature valley, fiber one granola bars. Also Betty Crocker fruit snacks I believe.
Good luck on your deals! They will last till next Tuesday, and you can do this deal as many times as you want as long as you do different transactions of four boxes.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
All of the groceries above were purchased for a total of $45.09 after coupons. Deals were great! At Publix the mott's Juice box were BOGO for $2.99. So get the Pyramid coupons out again $1 off any Motts product and also there is a Mott's coupon that was in a Sunday's paper like a month ago for $1/2. I combined the 4 Pubix coupons and 2 motts man coupon and purchased 4 boxes of juices boxes for "0" out of my pocket. At our Publix they even have copied versions so that you can use as many as you want. Woo Hoo! Don't forget to use the coupons that the store put out. :)
The Oust sanitizers were BOGO $3.39. So after 2 /$1 off coupons I was able to purchase both for $1.39. Dole's fruit cups were on sale BOGO and at there is a $1 off coupon off Dole's fruit parfait. So I printed two and was able to buy both for $ .19. I purchased the cheerios for $2.50/2 after coupons. There was also a peelie on the box for $1 off produce. Which was a plus for me. So keep your eyes on the look out.
I also found several products that were free after coupons. Two sunsilk products and two Dove's products. Remember to always check the clearance area at your local grocery store you never know what kind of deals you might pick up. I also purchase several fruits and veggies and some meat. I am also purchasing some ham. meat from WD today and a 10 lb bag of potatos for $2.99. Other than that I am stocked on meat for the week. :)
Of course I did use my $10 off $50 Winn Dixie and my $5 off $50 Albertson coupon which helped alot.
Target had some deals I picked up some cheese for free and some cleaning scrubbies for $1 after two. Read more on that deal at
Also there is a $2 off Jane coupon that she posted and you can stock up on makeup at Walgreens. I purchase 2 mascara's, and two lipsticks for $ .95 after coupons.
I hope all this helped you all, and you have a blessed day!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Publix deal
In the take a peak booklet that had the Motts coupon in it, it also has a $1/2 coupon in it. So for two bags at $1.69 I paid $.69 for 2. Woo Hoo! I was excited about this one and thought I would bless others.
Frugal Idea!
Just thought I would mention this idea!
When you are frugal you start using your head and thinking outside of the box. Ideas would be you make things from scratch. You do not make countless runs to the store. You have a list and you stick to it. In the event that you are missing something, you......improvise. You also carefully plan out your menus and try to include alot of variety.
Some good ideas would be to try making different recipes. You will find that you will broaden your culinary skills and your husband will love you. :)
Above is a picture of homemade bread from this week. If you have never made bread it is a delightful thing to do. My great Grandmother was a pro at making bread, and of course my Grandmother is too, so I guess I inherited their skills. Bread is just one of the things I have learned to make.
For Valentines Day I made homemade bread, homemade spaghetti, red jello - for the red theme, salad and a homemade cake. All of my children joined in the fun and we did not go into the poor house because we spent too much money. Not only did we save by not eating out, we had fun!
The cake we made is pictured above, enjoy-
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Dinner for tonight
Well, I mentioned I would share ideas occasionally for what we have for dinner so here it goes.
Tonight I made homemade meatloaf (recipes of my mom's) , Baked potatoes and garlic green beans. Also for some of us we had cantaloupe :)
Believe it or not Skyler does not usually care for meatloaf but a couple of weeks ago I thought I would try making it like Mom's and convincing him to like it. :)
So we now have a recipe that we will add to our list of likes! I just thought I would share this, we do not eat cereal or beans and rice living frugally. We eat very well, and I encourage all of you who read this to broaden your creativity and give different recipes a try.
Tonight I made homemade meatloaf (recipes of my mom's) , Baked potatoes and garlic green beans. Also for some of us we had cantaloupe :)
Believe it or not Skyler does not usually care for meatloaf but a couple of weeks ago I thought I would try making it like Mom's and convincing him to like it. :)
So we now have a recipe that we will add to our list of likes! I just thought I would share this, we do not eat cereal or beans and rice living frugally. We eat very well, and I encourage all of you who read this to broaden your creativity and give different recipes a try.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Publix deal
Publix has Motts Juice on sale for BOGO. So if you have any of those coupons from the last time $1 off any motts products that was in the "take a peak" -publix booklet, you could buy two bottles of juice for $.79.
At our Publix today they actually had them copied and accessable for you to take advantage of the deal. I think that is amazing. Let's just say I thought that was pretty neat! I did not go crazy and buy the store out, but I did buy 2. Who can beat a sale like that.
Also, if you plan to take advantage of this deal the sale ends tomorrow.
Now as far as deals go this week I have not gotten to many. I did some basic shopping, but did not shop for too many things. Our pantry and freezer is pretty good. I did go to CVS this morning and was able to buy $54 worth of products for $.36 out of my pocket. I had a $10 off of a $50 coupon and then I also used $23 in ECB's . I received $19 ECB's back. So I was a happy camper. I bought things like detergent, diapers, shaver, ect. Basically things we could use.
At our Publix today they actually had them copied and accessable for you to take advantage of the deal. I think that is amazing. Let's just say I thought that was pretty neat! I did not go crazy and buy the store out, but I did buy 2. Who can beat a sale like that.
Also, if you plan to take advantage of this deal the sale ends tomorrow.
Now as far as deals go this week I have not gotten to many. I did some basic shopping, but did not shop for too many things. Our pantry and freezer is pretty good. I did go to CVS this morning and was able to buy $54 worth of products for $.36 out of my pocket. I had a $10 off of a $50 coupon and then I also used $23 in ECB's . I received $19 ECB's back. So I was a happy camper. I bought things like detergent, diapers, shaver, ect. Basically things we could use.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Very Nice!
I just want to relate a story that happened to me on Saturday night. I went into Albertson to take advantage of Scott's toilet paper that was 10/$10. I bought 4 packs and used $ .75 off coupons for each packages. I also bought 2 cartons of Egglands eggs which were on sale this wkd. for 2/$3. I had $ .35 off coupons for these. So after this Russian cashier older lady rung up my order. She commented how very nice it was that I had coupons and could save so much on these products. I could not agree more. I realize all the time how if you just wait for something it will go on sale and you can buy things you need. I did not go shopping this weekend and will probably do alittle this week. My pantry and freezer are full. A friend from church gave me some milled wheat so I am going to make some homemade bread for sure and am excited to try this out. CVS has some deals but I am not really sure how much I will take advantage of. I will try to post pictures and deals if I come across any. Have a prosperous day!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Picture People coupon
I just thought I would post this. This would be great if you are a family that can walk in and complete the pictures and only go home with the ones that are free. Our family might try this. :)
Also there is a great deal at Walgreens for a family pack of pictures. Check out for more details.
Also there is a great deal at Walgreens for a family pack of pictures. Check out for more details.
Random Thoughts
First I must apologize to the people who read this blog for my lack of posting. Being a mother to three can be challenging and for some reason I do not find the time for posting. I may even find some deals but just alittle bit of typing is easily forgotten.
Thanks to all of you who come to my site I promise to try and do better this week.
Also, I just want to publicly thank my husband on this blog because without his help we would miss out on alot of great deals! He especially is the one that I like to send out to get the CVS deals!
I will be going to Publix this week and I will post if there is anything that is exceptional. Last week my total was $104 and after coupons I paid $45 and am also receiving a $10 Publix gift card for a rebate that I completed. Albertson has Scott tissue paper on sale again- $1. So We will be taking advantage of this and using our $.75 off coupons we stocked up on a month ago from the paper. Believe it or not the tissue stock pile we completed a couple of months ago is still aound. We are down to the last two packages. Isn't that awesome how God provides. I love it! It is so cool how when you use your head and shop the deals how it benefits your family in the long run. :) Of course the chocolate we have on hand isn't necessary but is nice :)
I hope all of you have a wonderful day and enjoy the blessings that God has given you!
Also I am thinking of posting at different times food that our family enjoys. Could I have some feed back on this, also I would love to hear ideas from you. Making from Scratch is something I enjoy but of course is not always possible. Also check below on the CVS post I added something at the end. Thanks!
Thanks to all of you who come to my site I promise to try and do better this week.
Also, I just want to publicly thank my husband on this blog because without his help we would miss out on alot of great deals! He especially is the one that I like to send out to get the CVS deals!
I will be going to Publix this week and I will post if there is anything that is exceptional. Last week my total was $104 and after coupons I paid $45 and am also receiving a $10 Publix gift card for a rebate that I completed. Albertson has Scott tissue paper on sale again- $1. So We will be taking advantage of this and using our $.75 off coupons we stocked up on a month ago from the paper. Believe it or not the tissue stock pile we completed a couple of months ago is still aound. We are down to the last two packages. Isn't that awesome how God provides. I love it! It is so cool how when you use your head and shop the deals how it benefits your family in the long run. :) Of course the chocolate we have on hand isn't necessary but is nice :)
I hope all of you have a wonderful day and enjoy the blessings that God has given you!
Also I am thinking of posting at different times food that our family enjoys. Could I have some feed back on this, also I would love to hear ideas from you. Making from Scratch is something I enjoy but of course is not always possible. Also check below on the CVS post I added something at the end. Thanks!
Monday, February 4, 2008
CVS Deals
So far I have not seen any new released CVS coupons but I do see some good deals for free items/ or nearly free.
-M&M's are $2/4 and $2 ECB's back, so combine with a coupon from two weeks ago Sunday's paper $1 off two and buy two bags for $1.
-Maybelline Ee shadow trio is pay $5.49 receive $5.49 ECB's = Free. There is also a coupon for a $1 off coupon from 1/20 Sunday Paper and make this deal even better.
-Buy 2 Excedrin 100 ct at $6.99 each, and use 2/$3 off coupons from I believe the first week of Januarys paper and receive $10 ECB's plus $2 overage.
-Also the Instant Energy Drink are BOGO for $4.99. One of this months February's deals are buy two get $5 ECB. So take of advantage of this deal this week and receive these for free. You are able to do this deal five times.
-Gillette Venus Embrace Razor is $9.99 and you receive $8 ECB so it is like paying $1.99.
- And last but not least, in case you need more of this stuff:) Garnier Fructic Shine Burst adnd Strength $ repair is $3.99 receive $3.99 back in ECB's.
So it seems to be a decent week even without the awesome coupons.
By the way I am so excited to hear that most of my friends/family are doing so well with the CVS program, it is exciting to see everyone saving money. :)
There are other great deals but these are the basically free ideas.
Enjoy! and have a wonderful night!
**** Our friend Rachel informed me that on there is a $2 off Excedrin coupon in case any one would like to take advantage of this deal. Also on that same sight you can print a coupon for a free bag of Flat Earth's Crisp. Enjoy!
-M&M's are $2/4 and $2 ECB's back, so combine with a coupon from two weeks ago Sunday's paper $1 off two and buy two bags for $1.
-Maybelline Ee shadow trio is pay $5.49 receive $5.49 ECB's = Free. There is also a coupon for a $1 off coupon from 1/20 Sunday Paper and make this deal even better.
-Buy 2 Excedrin 100 ct at $6.99 each, and use 2/$3 off coupons from I believe the first week of Januarys paper and receive $10 ECB's plus $2 overage.
-Also the Instant Energy Drink are BOGO for $4.99. One of this months February's deals are buy two get $5 ECB. So take of advantage of this deal this week and receive these for free. You are able to do this deal five times.
-Gillette Venus Embrace Razor is $9.99 and you receive $8 ECB so it is like paying $1.99.
- And last but not least, in case you need more of this stuff:) Garnier Fructic Shine Burst adnd Strength $ repair is $3.99 receive $3.99 back in ECB's.
So it seems to be a decent week even without the awesome coupons.
By the way I am so excited to hear that most of my friends/family are doing so well with the CVS program, it is exciting to see everyone saving money. :)
There are other great deals but these are the basically free ideas.
Enjoy! and have a wonderful night!
**** Our friend Rachel informed me that on there is a $2 off Excedrin coupon in case any one would like to take advantage of this deal. Also on that same sight you can print a coupon for a free bag of Flat Earth's Crisp. Enjoy!
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